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Letters: President Biden’s policies are at the root of his unpopularity

Town Square Cartoons
Town Square Cartoons

Three things that explain Joe Biden’s unpopularity

I am writing in response to N.Y. columnist Ross Douthat’s article published in 첥Ƶ on March 13. The article is titled “Why it’s hard to fathom Joe Biden’s unpopularity.” Captain Obvious can help out with this mystery:

1.) Inflation – Inflation reached a 40-year high under Biden. Over two-thirds of American families are living from paycheck to paycheck. Mortgage interest rates over 6% cut off the American dream of buying a house. Government spending is out of control. Biden’s policy of “tax and spend” contributes to the inflation problem.

2.) Immigration – A record number of migrants are pouring into the United States. Some cases of crime, drugs and murders are associated with those crossing the borders. Biden’s executive orders relaxing immigration rules when first taking office are directly related to the record immigration numbers today.

3.) Age – The president of the United States is a demanding position and not a role for someone who is 81 years old.

Many more items that can be added to the list; however, this should help the author above solve the mystery.

Joseph G. Zawada

North Whitehall Township

Harrisburg lawmakers shouldn’t override local zoning decisions

In recent years there has been a outcry about warehouses invading the Lehigh Valley. Many communities changed their local zoning ordinances too late to protect urban and rural area from massive amounts of truck traffic. Now both Democrats and Republicans in Harrisburg think they know what’s best for our communities by pushing blanket laws to override local zoning ordinances. They are pushing to override local zoning ordinances that limit secondary housing on residential lots. This could mean disaster for residential residents who have spent their lives living in a nice neighborhood, only to have their neighbor put a manufactured home on their lot so they could rent it out. 첥Ƶ your state representative and state senator now, before it is too late. Tell them to vote “no” on rural or urban secondary uses on residential lots. Keep local people in charge of local zoning. Local zoning ordinances are there to protect local people.

Jeffery Ayers

Moore Township

The writer is the Moore Township Zoning Board chair.

Mindfulness should supplement face-to-face counseling

I have been a public school counselor for more than 30 years and I agree with Jeffrey Becker’s recent letter (Prioritize student counseling over mindfulness practices, March 15) that face-to-face counseling is very important in our schools and beneficial for the students. However, the reality is that Pennsylvania’s ratio of students to school counselors hovers around 343:1 (American School Counselor Association, 2022). I can attest that school counselors arrive early to work and leave late, and still don’t have time to meet all the students’ needs. Mindfulness practices and calm corners in classrooms are not “bizarro”; rather, they are essential, worthwhile strategies that empower students to regulate their own emotions. This is a skill that will serve them well throughout their lives because, let’s face it, a counselor will not always be available in every moment to help them. Every day I see my students and the staff  benefiting from taking a mindful minute.  They’re calmer, more focused and better able to cope with life’s stressors. Ideally, all Lehigh Valley students would have access to mindfulness instruction — not instead of face-to-face counseling, but in addition to it.

Melissa Sonnenblick

Bethlehem Township

The writer is a school counselor in Easton Area School District.

U.S. Postal Service, carrier deserve kudos

I’d like to highlight the Orefield Postal Service staff for their friendly knowledgeable service. I’m sending thanks to the Lehigh Valley bulk mail division as well, and special praise for our local postman for his dedication to serving our neighborhood.

Edward Richards

South Whitehall Township

Government needs more people, fewer windbags

When I keep reading about former President Trump, I get sick to my stomach. This guy does nothing but insult people, make threats and so on. Is this what people want in the Oval Office? You hear Biden is too old. My husband is as old as Biden and is a very smart person. I think he is a much smarter person compared to some politicians. We need people in government, not the political windbags that only think of themselves. Only one stands out for the people: Gov. Josh Shapiro.

Renate Faryniak


Morning 첥Ƶ coverage of swimming was appreciated

Thank you for covering District 11 swimming. The swimming community appreciates your efforts. The swimmers deserve just as much recognition as the other sports in the Valley.

Linda Roche

South Whitehall Township

Banonis, Carocci derail Lower Saucon meetings

Thank you for highlighting the dysfunction gripping Lower Saucon Township Council. Unfortunately, the meeting on March 20 proved nothing has changed. Adjourning at 11:30 p.m., this five-hour farce was a testament to the audience’s patience. The evening quickly descended into delays, schoolyard bullying and performative outrage.

The other councilors, township officials and citizens are held hostage to Council members Banonis and Carocci’s tantrums every two weeks. While they’re forced to surrender their evenings to engage with our government, councilors Banonis and Carocci don’t see fit to hold themselves to the same standard, making a habit of leaving early, while the floor is open for citizens to speak on their own topics.

These tactics have the effect of reducing council meetings to obnoxious affairs, occasionally impossible to attend, let alone participate in. This shouldn’t come as any surprise. Having been stripped of their majority in the recent election, it’s in Councilors Banonis and Carocci’s personal self-interest that this new government be as ineffective as possible. Rest assured: While the entire township may not be able to endure every full meeting, we are all paying attention.

Atom Kallen

Lower Saucon Township

Right-wing Republicans seem to be helping Democrats

The GOP seems to be exploding from within. One can only wonder if chaos-for-chaos’-sake Republicans such as Matt Graetz, Majorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert and their crew are really Democratic plants. Their ridiculous actions are certainly not good for their party nor the country, seemingly only benefiting the Democrats.

Chris Letourneau

Bethlehem Township


Letters to the editor about candidates and issues in the April 23 primary election must be received by 10 a.m. April 15.  Election-related letters will not be published after April 18.

첥Ƶ encourages community dialogue on important issues. Submit a letter to the editor at letters@mcall.com.

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