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Your View: Water is the new oil, more valuable than gold

A water harvesting system lets people collect rainwater for their garden instead of having to use drinking water to irrigate plans. SPENCER SOPER / THE MORNING CALL
A water harvesting system lets people collect rainwater for their garden instead of having to use drinking water to irrigate plans. SPENCER SOPER / THE MORNING CALL
Bruce Wilson (contributed photo)

World Water Day was Friday, an annual United Nations observant that reminds us we must protect and appreciate our water! Last summer, while driving my oldest grandson to and from a karate class, he asked about water, so I did some research and found out that though water covers 70% of our planet, only 3% of that is fresh water, and only 1% is available — much of the rest of it is tied up in snow and ice or is in underground aquifers. Many parts of the country that depend on water pumped from underground aquifers for agriculture are […]

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