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AI may be helping your doctor. Here’s how the technology is being used by health networks in the Lehigh Valley

Dr. Michael Hooper, of Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Virginia, discusses the use of artificial intelligence in health care in this August 2019 file photo. Hospitals around the country, and in the Lehigh Valley, are using AI in some cases to assist doctors and better patient outcomes. (Kaitlin McKeown / The Virginian-Pilot)
Dr. Michael Hooper, of Sentara Norfolk General Hospital in Virginia, discusses the use of artificial intelligence in health care in this August 2019 file photo. Hospitals around the country, and in the Lehigh Valley, are using AI in some cases to assist doctors and better patient outcomes. (Kaitlin McKeown / The Virginian-Pilot)

AI-powered medical technology has been in use within the Lehigh Valley for years at both LVHN and St. Luke’s and the networks are continuing to expand.

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